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The #1 RuneScape Private Server, by Matt

Client cache!

Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:40 am by Matt

Some people were reporting that the cache wouldn't work, so here it is.

Click here for the cache download!

What do I do with this?
Download it and extract it.
If you're a windows XP user, go to:
C:/ -> Documents And Setting -> yourname
Then drag and drop it into that folder.

If you're operating on Vista/7 then you'll have to look up a guide, or search for yourself.

Remember, this is …

RuneScion online

Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:29 pm by Matt

The official new release of RuneScion is online. Take a visit to the Client Download section to get the new client!

In other news, the forums have been totally re-made. Wink

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    Client cache!

    Owner of RuneExile
    Owner of RuneExile

    Posts : 45
    Join date : 2010-11-20
    Age : 27
    Location : Florida

    Client cache! Empty Client cache!

    Post  Matt Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:40 am

    Some people were reporting that the cache wouldn't work, so here it is.

    Click here for the cache download!

    What do I do with this?
    Download it and extract it.
    If you're a windows XP user, go to:
    C:/ -> Documents And Setting -> yourname
    Then drag and drop it into that folder.

    If you're operating on Vista/7 then you'll have to look up a guide, or search for yourself.

    Remember, this is only for the people who had trouble auto-downloading it.

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